When Is The Best Time To Lay Sod?

little girl and boy playing in the yard with their dog

Keeping your lawn in tip top shape is crucial in the journey of homeownership. Who wouldn’t want their lawn looking its very best? Knowing when to lay sod is an important step in your lawn care journey, so we’re here with the expert tips on proper maintenance. If you’re looking for more information on sod installation in South Carolina, keep reading. 


There are a few things to consider when deciding when to lay sod. The biggest factor is the weather. You want to make sure that the temperature is not too hot or too cold, as this can affect the sod's ability to take root. April through September or late summer, early fall is the best time to lay sod. One important thing to keep in mind is to make sure your soil is properly prepared beforehand, so your lawn can thrive at maximum capacity. Laying sod may not be an easy task, but with the assistance of lawn care experts, you can stay properly informed and keep your lawn healthy. 

Time In Your Schedule

The second is your schedule. If you have a busy week coming up, it might not be the best time to lay sod, because it is a labor-intensive project. If you find you’re running out of time in your schedule, but need the job done fast, it’s always best to recruit the help of a professional. The team at Coastal Turf has over 19 years of experience, and a passionate team behind them. 


The third thing to consider is the amount of rainfall. Too much rain can cause the sod to rot, while not enough rain can cause it to dry out and die. If your day is gloomy and wet, consider continuing your project on a dry day. You might be able to get away with a light drizzle, but taking on this task in heavy rain will cause you more issues and stress in the long run. If you decide to go this route, remember to: 

  • Remove the old sod.
  • Limit foot traffic.
  • Add soil to absorb the excess moisture.
  • Anchor the sod using wooden stakes or dowels.

Lawn Maintenance

The fourth thing to consider is your lawn. If you have a lot of weeds or dead grass, it is best to lay the sod after you have taken care of those issues. While this might be at the top of your list, other issues such as those stunting the growth of your grass should take priority first. 
When prepping your lawn for sod, make sure you:

  • Get rid of any existing weeds.
  • Conduct a soil test to ensure your soil has the right balance of proper nutrients.
  • Fix any areas that dip to avoid issues with drainage.
  • Make sure your choice of grass is suitable for your landscape environment.

How To Install Sod

When installing sod, it’s crucial that you pay close attention to detail. Preparation is key, so you should allow a few weeks before you’re ready to start the project. As stated above, attempting to lay sod in heavy rain will result in a delay, so plan to complete the project when the forecast is clear. 

Follow these steps for installation:

  • Take measurements of your yard to ensure you purchase the correct amount of sod. This can be measured in square feet.
  • Then, choose the type of sod you want to use: strips or slabs. You may need to order a bit extra to account for any discrepancies.
  • Prep your soil by watering, and lay compost for the next few weeks.
  • Test the soil to ensure the pH level is safe for your new sod.
  • Make sure your yard is leveled 1 inch below the sidewalk.
  • Lay your strips or slabs of sod in an orderly fashion, check for any openings, and press firmly so it can begin the rooting process.
  • Lastly, ensure your new lawn is properly maintained and watered.
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